Invalid Security Certificate bisa muncul pada browser anda karena dua hal yaitu:
Sertifikat website dibuat oleh pribadi dan bukan dibeli dari lembaga yang punya wewenang (Maka pada browser anda akan tampil tulisan "The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed".
Browser yang anda gunakan sudah habis masa berlakunya dan harus diperpanjang (Maka pada browser anda akan muncul "Secure Connection Failed - The certificate will not be valid until 11/05/2010 07.00 (Error code: sec_error_expired certificate)"
Untuk masalah pertama ("The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed") seperti diatas kita bisa masuk ke situs atau website dengan cara berikut ini:
1. Klik link "Or you can add an exception"
2. Klik tombol "Add exception"
3. Selanjutnya klik tombol "Get Certificate"
4. Terakhir klik tombol "Confirm Security Exception"
1. Klik link "Or you can add an exception"
2. Klik tombol "Add exception"
3. Selanjutnya klik tombol "Get Certificate"
4. Terakhir klik tombol "Confirm Security Exception"
Dengan langkah seperti demikian anda bisa masuk ke website yang anda tuju
Sedangkan untuk masalah kedua ("The certificate will not be valid until 11/05/2010 07.00") disebabkan oleh sudah habisnya masa berlaku browser yang anda instal di komputer. Setiap browser seperti Mozilla Firefox, Explorer, dll biasanya memiliki tanggal expirednya. Untuk itu anda dapat memperpanjang tanggal dengan cara menginstal versi terbarunya. Terkadang juga masalah ini muncul bukan karena masa berlaku browser yang sudah habis, melainkan anda pernah mengubah tanggal komputer ke tanggal yang lama. Untuk itu anda hanya perlu mengganti tanggal komputer yang lama ke tanggal yang baru. Caranya berikut ini:
- Lihat sudut kanan bawah dekstop anda, akan menunjukan waktu atau jam terkini
- Klik 2 kali kemudian anda tinggal mengubah tanggalnya (bulan dan tahun)
Maka selesailah sudah masalah anda soal security certificate. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat, selamat mencoba!
Version English :
Today I was having problems on the security certificate on my browser because changing the start date to the date on the old computer. But I can fix it and google chrome browser can run well again, for that I want to share with you, why is Invalid Security Certificate problems can arise in brower you use.
Invalid Security Certificate bisa muncul pada browser anda karena dua hal yaitu:
Certificate website created by private and not purchased from an institution that has the authority (so the browser will show made"The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed".
The browser you use expired and must be renewed (so the browser will appear)"Secure Connection Failed - The certificate will not be valid until 11/05/2010 07.00 (Error code: sec_error_expired certificate)"
For the first issue ("The certificate is not trusted Because it is self-signed") as above we can go to the website or the website in the following ways:
1. Click the link "Or you can add an exception"
2. Click the "Add exception"
3. Then click the "Get Certificate"
4. Finally click the "Confirm Security Exception"
1. Click the link "Or you can add an exception"
2. Click the "Add exception"
3. Then click the "Get Certificate"
4. Finally click the "Confirm Security Exception"
With such a move so you can go to the website you are going
As for the second issue ("The certificate will not be valid until 11/05/2010 07:00") is caused by the expiration of the browser you have installed on your computer. Each browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Explorer, etc. usually have expirednya date. For that you can extend the date by installing the latest version. Sometimes also the problem arises not because of the validity browser is out of stock, but you've changed the date to the date of the old computer. For that you only need to replace your old computer to a new date. You do the following:
2. Click 2 times then you just change the date (month and year)
Then it was over your problems about security certificate. Hopefully this article useful, good luck!